Background Information
- The study on future Strand Central Beach Front development potential was done by Kobus Coetzee of Studio D’Arc Architects Western Cape in collaboration with the Strand Sectional Title Association, Strand Rate Payers Association, Sea View Rate Payers Association, the Strand Jetty Trust and Malan Lemmer Lourens Viljoen Attorneys.
- The outcome on changes and amendments of the Town Planning regulations will be decided on the following: a) Requirements by all the Strand stakeholders, including the City Council. b) Limitations of services, roads, and how it will be upgraded. c) Tourism effect on the Strand and Western Cape d) Financial feasibility
- The project will be a conglomerate of refurbishment of old buildings, new buildings, and upgrading of all services and roads.
- Conservation principles will be followed. Refer to the Strand Conservation report.
- The present owners will be fully protected before the project proceeds to the official Public and Private Participation Process as stipulated by the City of Cape Town. The project will only proceed when all owners’ and stakeholders’ objections are satisfactorily addressed.
Pre-construction development phases:
- Phase 1Tasks: Completion of above-mentioned (2d) feasibility study. Negotiations with interested developers to be able to approach the City for the Public and Private Participation Process. A preliminary appointment of a Developer on conditions developed in collaboration with the City Council.
- Phase 2Tasks: PPP Process. The team mentioned in (1) will be extended to all team consultants plus the developer. Any representative of the City of Cape Town and the Provincial Government will be welcomed on the management. Compliance with Cape Town long term Planning Strategies, and influence on the Town Planning strategies, will be at the order of the day.
- Phase 3Task: Finalize development conditions and confirm the final appointment of developer or developers in collaboration with the City of Cape Town. Team as per (6 b).
- Phase 4Task: Development: Developer/s appoint professional team and the City of Cape Town fulfil the normal function.
Sustainable architecture with green approach:
- Old buildings will preferably be recycled with re-planning of electricity, energy consumption and water consumption
- Water harvesting, desalination of sea water, and power generation by sun and wind will be investigated and applied on the total new initiative.
- The financial viability with a positive outcome, was done after Kobus Coetzee and the professional team found realistic solutions for the challenges which were posed by the Initiative concept.
- The Initiative is presently in a stalemate situation because a key player in the centre of the focal point unexpectedly withhold support after 85% of all directly affected owners and businesses have signed agreements to proceed. We trust that this situation will change in the future.The concept has been designed and is not lost. All owners were promised that only on 100% support the Initiative will proceed to Phase1.
