The First 20 Years

I am compelled to mention the highlights of the first twenty years. I worked for and under some of the most brilliant Architects and Academics one could find.
1975 - 1978
At my first appointment with Brian Sandrock Architects of Pretoria, I fulfilled the role of assistant to the senior Architect of the practice, Mr Toot Neethling. He was in control of the Unisa project. Apart from my assisting work on the new Unisa campus, I designed the refurbishment of the original Unisa Building in Skinner Street, Pretoria, for the Unisa Business School.
Squash courts, student hostel recreation halls, and assistance on various University of Pretoria projects for Brian Sandrock Architects, were also on my design list.
1978 - 1984
Appointed as Project Manager of the new Pretoria Technikon Campus, I worked with four Architectural practices namely, Moerdijk Stucke Harrison Viljoen and Partners, Daan Kesting, Pauw and Botha, and Interplan, who formed a consortium of architects. Jan Hattingh, the design architect, demonstrated to me how to solve challenges in his systematic way. My highlight was to work under Professor Dirk Meiring, an academic with a great intellect. He supported me in my investigation to find solutions on our difficult campus planning aspects. On the strength of my research, I prepared an analysis of a method to calculate centralized facilities to save space and costs and to brief the Architects. I believe it helped to prompt the Department of National Education to rationalise South African Campus Planning. SAPSE Building and Cost Norms were created and became the reference framework and focal point of critique on all new campus projects.

1984 - 1986
Samuel Pauw approached me to join his practice. Under his brilliant leadership, I proposed a viable scheme to revive the central city of Pretoria. It included ground-breaking ideas of work, live, play, and shop under one roof which represented the pinnacle of my experience with Samuel. I consulted with Hannes Meiring on the historical Sammy Marks Building and Metro Cycle House as the focal point of the first phase. Unfortunately, the economic downturn pushed this project back to a lower priority.
1986 - 1988
The economic circumstances resulted in my appointed as Campus Planner at the University of Stellenbosch. Working with the excellent Engineer, Academic and Vice Rector Planning of the University, Professor Roux de Villiers, was the highlight. We had a challenge of diverse preferences by the different Faculties, Departments, and Student Organizations, to build a Seminar Centre. On my investigation, I drew conclusions on weighted averages and reported back to Professor De Villiers and Top Management after which consensus was achieved. We found land on the preferred location and built the Seminar Centre within a year, supported by all.

1988 - 1989
As a partner in a multi-disciplinary practice of Dennis Moss Architects and Town Planners, I was privileged to experience the synergy between Architects and Town Planners with Dennis Moss at the helm of an effective and motivational practice.
1989 - 1995
Coetzee Campbell Associates, a multi-disciplinary practice, was established. Hilton Campbell’s exemplary skills to discover good development potential, made him a successful developer. I designed the Animal Research Unit for the University of Stellenbosch at the end of the century. It was a revelation and great experience to enjoy the knowledge in the broad medical field of Professor Frans Taljaard, who was amongst others, head of this Unit at Tygerberg Hospital.

I gladly salute the following architects: Siegfrid Schmidt, my role model and later my colleague of Studio D’Arc Architects Eastern Cape, the visionary Professor Alewyn Burger, Professor Joe Kemp, Brian Sandrock, Toot Neethling, Jan Hattingh, Samuel Pauw, Hannes Meiring, Edwin Anderson the gifted architect and last but not the least, Wilhelm Louw my partner at Coetzee Campbell Associates.
Please note that the original document containing sixteen categories from private residences (1 Privaat Woonhuise) to research (16 Navorsing), with information on 266 pages, is only partially presented in this PDF version.
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